

ORC can work with activated sludge, or liquid concentrated

waste.  For liquid concentrated waste the excess moisture

level of the waste will be eliminated.  After the majority of the

liquid is filtered out, it then is processed the same as activated

sludge.  It is mixed carbon to bring the moisture level and

carbon levels to the appropriate levels.  It then is loaded into

an in vessel composter to begin the 72 hour compost process.

The resulting compost is a Class A article and safe to apply in

farming operations or in municipal or private yards and




LIQUID FOOD WASTE (including wash water):

ORC has the ability to remove excess water from most liquid food waste and food manufacturing facility wash water.  The resulting paste is then studied to determine the best possible use including bio-energy, animal feed and compost.




Waste streams like sawdust, clippings, tree trimmings, leaves, paper, and cardboard can all be used to produce bio-fuel and compost.




Due to the increasing demand on grains for the production

of ethanol, the efficient use of food waste is progressively

more important.  Each waste stream is analyzed carefully

to determine the best use of the product.  Generally, animal

feed is ruled out first since this is the best use of a food

product.  Secondly, energy production is considered.  It may

be possible to produce biofuels to sell or utilize within the

plant.  The last alternative is generally composting of the

waste.  ORC can help you utilize the waste according to

your wishes.  Some plants might prefer to produce energy from the waste to reduce their carbon

footprint on the environment.  Others may prefer to see it utilized to produce more food.  ORC can adapt the program to meet your desires.




ORC has a long background in this area.  We can help produce energy and compost from these waste streams.



YOU HAVE SOMETHING DIFFERENT?  Challenge us.  We will make the original assessment and recommendation at no charge.  If we can’t improve your current process, or reduce your expense, we will tell you.